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  • Writer's pictureEduardo de Freitas

A Tribute to Eric Carle

Updated: Mar 8, 2023

Hi there!

This is a very sad week for storytellers all over the world. Eric Carle, one the best writers in history, dies at the age of 91. Carle called himself a "picture writer" and he wrote and illustrated more than 70 books for kids and sold over 170 million copies. Check the video below in which he talks about one of this most famous books: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

In order to honor his memory, I've designed this jamboard activity based on the book he talks about in the video and also inspired by conversation I had with my dear friend Claire Venables about storytelling and how important it is to make stories accessible and personalizable for our students.

Let's make them tell and play with their own stories!

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